Plugins play a very good role in your WordPress site by enabling useful functionality. But there are some problems associated with these as these can break the site. Whenever you select and update the plugins then it becomes necessary for you to consider a few things so as to ensure the proper working of your site. Now I am going to tell you about 5 ways to avoid plugin crashes on your WordPress website.
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1. By implementing a process of plugin approval
For keeping out those plugins that are untrustworthy, unnecessary and low-performing, an approval process is necessary before installing these. But for this you need to answer some questions:
- Is it a popular plugin?
The task of picking the plugins needs to be given to the crowd. If there is a problem in it and a lot of people are using it then it is possible that the problem can be encountered by some of these people. It will be called a safe bet if a large number of users are happy with the use of plugin.
- Do the developers regularly update the plugin?
The developers need to regularly update the plugin so that it can provide modern security by staying within the WordPress. Find the release date and release history of the plugin. Don’t install a plugin on the website if within the WordPress, it is not kept current and secure by the developers.
- When you will test the plugin, will it get passed?
If you want that with the custom code or with the theme of the site, the plugin should not conflict, then it becomes necessary for you to test it.
You can stay away from the problem of the website related to a plugin or with a bad plugin if you say yes in reply to the above questions.
2. By testing it when it gets updated
When changes in the code are done, then you need to do regression testing. Its purpose is to make sure that the existing behavior doesn’t change because of the changes made. The plugins used by us, the custom code of the website, and the website itself work under the regression testing’s concept. At regular intervals, there is a requirement of changing the custom code as well as updating the plugins. If your database modifies or plugin updates or CMS updates, then after all these changes, thorough testing of your website is necessary. But how will you do this? A frequent check of around 15 documented things will be a good idea. These can include the ad’s behavior, landing pages, and menus. A one-hour test run needs to be done on these. If your website is receiving very small amounts of traffic, then it is the best time to perform the testing.
3. By using as few plugins as possible
A large number of plugins can break your site. It is necessary that in an economical way, the server resources are used by the plugins. Your website can be brought down if the server performance is impacted by a large number of plugins. So, how will you reduce the number of plugins? If the functionality of several plugins is the same then among these, you can eliminate the plugins that you no longer require. Also, install a plugin that provides a large number of services instead of installing a separate plugin for each service.
4. By not making the theme an issue
Your theme may be suitable for integrating a particular type of plugins as compared to any other theme. It is necessary that with most of the plugins your theme is compatible. So, a vetting process needs to be used for your theme. Is it a popular theme? Do the developers regularly update your theme? When you will test the theme, will it get passed? If yes then you will not have any issue related to the theme.
5. By optimizing the performance of the website
If you want to avoid site crashes related to the plugin, then go for a service provider that is reliable. Don’t use hosting services that are shared, very low-cost, or free because doing this can have a bad impact on your website. Always go for a dedicated hosting service. The server that your site uses will be somewhat more under your control if you will use a dedicated hosting service. Along with this, you can compress those JavaScript files, CSS files, videos, and images that are very big and occupy a lot of space, so that plugins can perform in a much better way.
If you are interested in WordPress themes and custom WordPress websites then contact a WordPress development company.