social media marketing ideas

10 Social Media Marketing Ideas to Inspire Your Strategy

So many different ways exist to succeed on social media. It can sometimes seem a bit daunting to pinpoint an optimal strategy for your business. In most cases, hit and trial could give the right answer.

The good news is there’s no need to do a lot of legwork. Just study what other brands are doing and find inspiration. Don’t just stick to the small businesses in your industry. There’s no harm in observing what big brands like Spectrum are doing to promote Spectrum deals and engage with their audience. Looking for ideas? Start with these 10 up your Social Media Marketing Ideas:

1: Tap into the Power of User Generated Content

These are the photos shared by your customers. This makes content planning much easier. The customer shares a photo of your product or writes a post about their experience with your service, tagging your business. All you have to do is reshare these posts.

This is not just a great social media strategy but it’s also an opportunity to interact with your customers on a personal level.

Lush Cosmetics has set a great example of optimizing UGC content campaigns. In their Instagram bio, they ask their followers to share their #lushlife. This encourages the fans to submit their content to Lush using the hashtag #lushlife.

2: Use Visuals

Visuals are an important aspect of any marketing strategy. You can keep talking about your products but until your audience is able to see the product, it’s not going to have the same effect.

Use visuals and colors to grab the attention of your audience. For instance, use a multi-colored grid for your Instagram feed. You may also use product visuals to entice the customer to make a purchase.

3: Social Shopping

Social media platforms have made it easier to sell products. If you haven’t utilized the Instagram shopping trend, you had better start soon. For that, you will first need an Instagram business account and it must be connected to your Facebook page.  Then, enable Instagram shopping by tagging your products in every photo that they appear in.

If a customer likes the product, they see on your Instagram post, all they have to do is click on the white shopping bag icon and they will be taken to the product on the website.

4: Use Facebook Chatbot Marketing

Facebook’s chatbot feature in Messenger is a great way to integrate automated chatbots into your marketing strategy.

So many brands are doing it for improving engagement, connecting with customers, answering their queries, etc. Companies like TechCrunch are using a chatbot to bring readers to their website.

There are so many uses of chatbots from lead generation to answering FAQs, setting appointments, and more. Figure out how you are going to leverage that.

5: Conduct a Facebook Live Session

Sharing live videos is becoming the format of choice for many big brands. You can do a live video daily, every other day, or once a week.

How you will be using this feature all depends on your creativity. For example, beauty brands are using Facebook live to demonstrate their products. Depending on your business, you may use Facebook Live to conduct a live training session.

6: Share Third-Party Content

Yes, there’s no harm in sharing third party content. It can be a blog post from Forbes or any other credible website that is relevant to your industry, of course.

It is like giving credit to other people where it is due. 30% of your content on social media can be about others.

7: Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes are seen on a lot of social media feeds these days. Pick 10 to 15 quotes from your favorite personalities and post one inspirational quote per week.

The best thing about them is that they go with any brand/industry. When you are out of ideas, start posting inspirational quotes. It will boost the spirits of your audience and your team.

8: Use Cross Channel Marketing

Call it the multi-channel marketing practice that involves using multiple channels for reaching your target audience. Your target audience could be scattered on different marketing channels. Since everyone doesn’t use every single social media platform, it’s good to be present on all of them, and share some sort of content across different networks.

You could be using basics such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Depending on your niche, consider sharing content on YouTube, Spotify, and IGTV too. Come up with unique ways to stand among the competition. Cross promoting looks time-intensive, but with a social media management tool, you can make it quick and easy.

9: Use Polls with Reactions

Whenever there is a hot topic or a trending news story, seize the opportunity by creating a poll on Facebook, with reaction (for fun). Reaction features encourage followers to participate in the poll.

A happy face will mean “yes” and an angry face will mean “no.”

You can also add a poll to your Facebook story. For that, you will have to use your Facebook app. Tap on the add story tab at the top of your news feed and choose poll from the options on the top right.

10: Fill in the Blank

A fun way of engaging with your followers is to create a “fill in the blank” post.  Encourage your followers to fill in the blank. Examples include:

My patio must have ____________

 My favorite Blink182 song is ____________

The best thing about Spectrum Wi-Fi plans is ___________

These questions can be related to a specific business, product, industry, holiday, food, or any other random topic. Believe me, people on social media have lots of time to answer questions like these.


If you are willing to put in the time and effort, social media platforms can be used in a variety of creative ways. Each platform has its own benefits to offer. Plan out which social media channels are you going to use and come up with a strategy accordingly. These are just a few ways you can use social media. Take inspiration from players within your industry. See what they are doing and which social channels they are using for building their brand.

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