website speed optimizations

6 Website Speed Optimizations You Can Do Yourself

When a user visits a particular site then the initial few seconds play a crucial role in it. The speed of the website needs to be very good, otherwise, the visitor can leave the website. The optimization of website speed increases user engagement and decreases the bounce rate.

  • The conversion rate can be higher if a website loads very fast.
  • User experience can’t be very good if the website loads slowly.
  • Slow loading sites do not get a good ranking on SERPs.

Now I am going to describe 6 website speed optimizations you can do yourself.

1. Pick a hosting solution that is performance-optimized

The performance and management of your site depend a lot on the hosting provider. If you go for mediocre hosting then it can be a very big mistake. The performance of your site can be very poor if you use cheap hosting. It can result in server overloading with using multiple sites so as to share the resources. Because of this the time of your page loading can increase. Now, if you go for the hosting solutions that are performance-focused then you can make your web page load faster because shared hosting is not offered by these. As a result, various sites will not drain your potential resources’ pool.

2. Reduce the image size and optimize also

For improving the content’s quality and web page’s appearance, images help a lot. A web page loading time increases with larger images. So, by compressing and optimizing the images the loading speed of the page can increase. For doing this you need to use lossless compression so as to compress the images, enable lazy loading and change the formats of the file. This will help in reducing the weight of the image files and as a result a quick loading of the pages will occur. WP Smush is a plugin for optimizing images. This plugin will help in automatic resizing and compressing the images. In this process there will be no effect on the quality of the images.

3. Use minimum number of redirects

The loading times of your site can get hurt if you use a large number of redirects. The HTTP request extends with the redirection of the web page. Because of this the page takes some extra time to give a response. If you want to use a new domain for your site then redirection becomes necessary. It is possible to reduce the loading times of your web page if you eliminate unnecessary redirects. But how will you reduce the number of redirects in WordPress? Whenever you build menus and internal links, don’t create unnecessary redirects. Also, by resolving only one redirection with the Top-Level Domain (TLD) you can reduce their count. this will website speed optimize

4. Minimize HTML, JavaScript and CSS

Minimizing the HTML, JavaScript and CSS coding will help in improving the loading speed of the page. For reducing the file size, you can remove those comments, characters and spaces that are unnecessary. You can easily combine these files of reduced size. Because of this a faster loading of the web page occurs by making the web page leaner and coding cleaner. By using Autoptimize plugin you can minimize HTML, JavaScript and CSS coding. An automatic aggregation and minification of styles and scripts is possible with the use of this plugin.

5. Take the benefit of a content delivery network (CDN)

For improving the loading speed of your page you can take the help from a network of servers known as content delivery network (CDN). For doing this it is necessary that from servers all over the world the CDN hosts and delivers website’s static content copies. Now instead of taking the help from your host server you can take the help from CDN. This prevents the data from traveling so long and reaching the host servers from the browsers. This is a great way of maximizing your site’s performance.

6. Don’t use unnecessary plugins

The speed of your site can slow down if you will use a large number of plugins. Moreover, a security threat can occur because of outdated plugins. So, minimizing the plugins count will be a good idea.  Just disable or delete the plugins that are no longer usable. If you take interest in developing mobile apps or designing a website then it will be good for you to contact a web development company.

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